Latrobe Foundation

ABN: 80 678 129 841

The Latrobe Foundation is a formal fundraising mechanism to be administered by the members of the Latrobe Golf Club for the purpose of preservation, development and maintenance of the standards of the Latrobe Golf Club and in particular:

  1. To create opportunities for the Club to attract and retain the continued interest and financial support of members.
  2. To  solicit donations and gifts to or for the benefit of the Club from members and from any other source deemed appropriate to the purposes of the foundation.
  3. To attract and encourage bequests, legacies and all forms of deferred gifts.
  4. To augment and assist the Club to achieve its desired programme of capital expenditure.

The Latrobe Foundation is identified as a separate Members Equity account in the Balance Sheet of the Clubs accounts.

The Latrobe Foundation will be overseen by a separate subcommittee of the Club, the Latrobe Foundation Committee. The Latrobe Foundation Committee will provide a report to members each year.